Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Help Moldy

So it turns out that our dear brother Moldy is very nearly legally blind, (which explains why he's so terrible at Ping Pong) Say!! That reminds me of a story! The other night I thoroughly smayshed Fatty at a friendly game of PP, and.. Say! That reminds of another story! I finally cleared my Clunker out of the shop and now Ernie says he is going build a PP table in the shop. Anyways Moldy was hoping you would help him choose some new glasses, so please take the time to vote on the choices. #1 is the top, 2 is middle, which leaves 3 for the bottom. No ballot box stuffing please.


  1. i think the bottom one---stuffy

  2. Middle,says Randy & Paul

  3. bottom or middle. or top. or maybe one of the others. okay middle. sayyy soggy, might want to keep shop clear of pp table, truck will be back in there in 2 weeks. hate to say it, but....ya. -WB
