Wednesday, January 25, 2012


 Around here we didn't have much of a winter until a week or two ago. Time to bring out the skimobiles.
This is a view from on top of the Simcoes.

We needed some heat in the shop and a friend of mine had this wood fireplace so we brought it home. Note the freshy percolator, wouldn't be complete without the freshy!

I think thats about it.


  1. Well Ernie, it's good to see you come out of retirement and provide with some in-depth and informative postings.

  2. This is nice guys. I musta read and looked for a solid 3 to 4 minutes. I really enjoyed these here last 2. Moldy

  3. Good job, Aaron! Nice photos. Aiti

  4. One would think that after the verbal thrashing Sog and I gave you on the correct spelling of "freashy", you would have corrected your erroneous ways. But I can see you are yet stubbornly insisting on being wrong. WhatEVER guys!!! Fatty
