Things have been pretty skinny over here at HQ. So skinny in fact, MS&E have been having trouble keeping their respective heads above the respectable water. So skinny we've had to branch out past our ususal occupations. Here are just a few of the demeaning and demoralizing tasks we've under taken to keep outta the basement:



Siding (which is done in the usual high quality of MS&E as the picture insinuates)

So as I was saying these jobs aint much fun but they do keep a guy from vibratin with hunger. Shorrrre! Why a guy would just get so hungry if he wadnt working, cuz then he wouldnt be able to eat, and if you dont eat why its just natural for the stomach to start just a vibratin, and thats a sure sign you are hungry....... Anyways if this post has made you feel sorry for us and touched your heart, why you can just send them contributions to 680 Niva Rd addressed to MS&E. Thanks for now
why shore! you poor fellas. hmm- just so you dont forget there is an "M" in MS&E so when the contributions come forth remember me. mold you guys have been quite busy by the looks of it! Hopefully you don't get a vibratin' too turrible badly
ReplyDeletehaha you guys crack me up!
ReplyDeleteImpressive siding job! :-) But I was hoping to see pics of the stuck DODGES!:-) Too bad the guy with the FORD didn't have his camera! :-) PS - I think he had a lot of fun "working" - I use that term carefully! - with you all!:-0