Friday, October 7, 2011


We at MS&E do appreciate comments but it's very important you leave your name for tracking purposes.  Thanks,
  Government @MS&E

Some updates

First let me reveal to you the results of the eyeglass voting.
Thanks to all who voted. The glasses pictured were not pictured in the voting post- thanks for voting just the same.
A while back Randy and I did this real decent landscape job that started out looking like this.
Then we got it to this stage. It now has grass- that is doing quite well I might add.
This good looking fellow here was the mastermind of the project and he done right well.

I guess to sum it all up, what I'm trying to say to anyone who reads this is thanks for being so long suffering with this corporation.  Some percentage of ownership have not been holding up their end of the deal.  That's now been addressed and we hope to have more regular updates.  Thanks again and remember: we can also landscape your place of residence.  

Friday, June 24, 2011

New Dog

I takin got me a new doog. Somewhat handy to have around and that.., not too tough on the pocketbook either. Am teaching her some things, she's got her name ( Riika ) and sit halfways figured out so I guess I will not put the dunce hat on her quite yet.

She looks real similar to this.

Here she is attempting to stare down a deer. Not quite brave enough to chase them yet, so she settles for a mean glare and then stalks off.

To make up for talking somewhat coarsely about her right out in public like that, here is some evidence that she is a quick learner. She learned how to drink out of the horse trough. Better to take it a little steady, maybe not try to jump right in.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

New Policy

Anonymous comments will be deleted.

Help Moldy

So it turns out that our dear brother Moldy is very nearly legally blind, (which explains why he's so terrible at Ping Pong) Say!! That reminds me of a story! The other night I thoroughly smayshed Fatty at a friendly game of PP, and.. Say! That reminds of another story! I finally cleared my Clunker out of the shop and now Ernie says he is going build a PP table in the shop. Anyways Moldy was hoping you would help him choose some new glasses, so please take the time to vote on the choices. #1 is the top, 2 is middle, which leaves 3 for the bottom. No ballot box stuffing please.